
Digimon: Infection Episode 11

Deviation Actions

reversemoon's avatar

Literature Text

Episode 11: Provocation; President; Perfect

Linkmon and Sopranomon were in London; Kurohi and Pop were at their computers. The four of them were waiting for Ricker and Rollermon, who were late. Pop seemed really fidgety; like she was on edge or something. It's not like Kurohi could blame her, they were about to break into the computer of a powerful and influential businessman. He was feeling a little jittery, too.

“Hey.” Pop broke the silence.


“You're in college, right?” She wasn't actually looking at him. The window containing her face was turned slightly to his left, but she kept shooting glances over at him every few seconds.


“Can you say somethin' odher than 'yea'?”

“Yes. Yes, I can.” Kurohi's flitted to the clock at the corner of his screen for the hundredth time. “What do you want to know about college?”

“Uh...wha'd'o you do there?”

“Get yelled at by my teachers, mostly. Other than that, I basically just spend time with my friends there. I'm studying to be a programmer.”

“D'you have a girlfriend?” Kurohi was too busy staring at the clock to see the brief expression of confusion that Pop displayed at her own question.

“Nope. According to Link, I assume girls are into me when they're really not.”

Pop looked apprehensive for a moment before continuing. “Have you-”

“Sorry we're late!”

The two of them turned around to see Ricker and...a black-colored sheet ghost.

“Hey, Ricker. Who's your friend?”

Ricker pouted. “What? My Digimon's the only one that's not black. We're going on a heist or something, aren't we?”

“Ricker, we're breaking into a computer. Look around you.” Kurohi spun his fingers around to emphasize the the area they were in. “The visual representation of most computer systems is white. We all stand out like a sore thumb.”

This revelation just upset Ricker. “Well, at least I'm trying. I don't know as much about computers as you do, so I'm learning. You can't expect me not to make a few mistakes.”

Linkmon and Sopranomon had converged on Rollermon by this point. “I for one think you look quite nice, master Rollermon. No one will be able to tell who you are.”

Linkmon snickered. “I can honestly say I couldn't tell.”

Rollermon beeped happily, bouncing up and down under his disguise.

“All right, all right. We're done with all the games.” Kurohi switched over to business mode. “We've got work to do. It should take us about three minutes to get to our destination from here. You've all been briefed on what exactly it is we're doing, and Linkmon will go over the specifics on the way there. Is everyone clear?”

There were nods of ascension from everyone. Everyone except Pop, who seemed to be off in her own world.

“Pop, are you ready?”

“Huh?” She snapped back into attention. “Oh, 'bout time we starded.” She shook herself loose and punched into her open palm in the most macho way she could muster. “Led's go.”

The Digimon, led by Linkmon, set off. Ricker's window changed to the sound only screen, and followed suit.

“Hey, Pop.” Kurohi turned to his teammate. “You ok? You were spacing out back there.”

She waved off his concern. “Don' worry aboud me, I'm fine.”

Kurohi shrugged. “If you say so. By the way, what were you going to ask me before?”

Pop froze for a moment before switching to sound only as well. “Nothin' important.” She headed off after the others.

Kurohi scratched his head. “Link's right,” he said to himself, “I really don't get women, do I?”


It was black.

They were inside the wireless modem of Mr. Black's estate. They were planning on splitting up here, but were somewhat sidetracked by the fact that the visual representation of the inside of his computers was, in fact, black.

“Ha!” Kurohi could not see Ricker's face, but had a pretty good feeling that he was looking rather smug at the moment.

Kurohi ignored him. “According to our information, Mr. Black has multiple computers on his estate. We'll split into pairs and search. If you find anything similar to the data you were sent, contact me so I can confirm.” He took the lead and moved out first. “Don't get caught, now.”

According to the information they'd received, Mr. Black had three computers; a Mac, a business laptop, and a personal laptop, and there were five pathways leading out of the modem. Each of the pairs chose one path. Linkmon's ended him up in a computer, which was just as dark as the modem they'd entered from.

“Link, let's put that tail to work.”

“Understood.” He plugged his tail into the wall, and began sifting through the data contained within it.

While he was working, Kurohi received IMs from the others.

Potpourri: Ended up in security system
Taking other way

Ricker: Think were in the mac
Now searching

Potpourri: In computer. Now searching

“I've finished.” Linkmon unplugged his tail. “It doesn't seem to be here.”

“Can't be helped. Let's just hope the others have better luck.”

Another message popped up from Ricker.

Ricker: Nothing weird here
Checking last path

“Well, that was fast. Didn't expect them to finish as fast as us.”

“What should we do now, Kurohi?”

“Let's head back to the rendezvous point, and wait for the others.”

It wasn't even a minute before Sopranomon met them.

“I'm sorry, master Kurohi, but we were unsuccessful. There was nothing unusual about either the computer or the security system.”

“Thanks for being thorough. Ricker went to check out whatever's down that last path. Let's hope he finds something.”

“Hey, Kurohi.” The faceless Pop chimed in. “What happens if we don' find anythin'?”

“Hmm...Nothing, I guess. Mr. ironic color sense'll be cleared, so we can put our efforts into searching elsewhere.”

“So, if we don' find id here, we're gonna have to do this again somewhere else?”

“If it comes to that, then yes.” Kurohi cracked his neck out of boredom. “Sorry for dragging you guys along with me on this.”

“Nah, id's fine. Id's not like I had anythin' else to do.”

Another message from Ricker appeared on his screen.

Ricker: Your gonna wanna see this

“Ricker found something.”

Without another word, the two of them headed down the last path (the one that none of them went into at the start and the one Pop didn't come out of).

“Wait.” Pop seemed to be thinking out loud. “We already checked all dhis guy's compuders, right? What's this fifth one supposed to be?”

As the two of them continued down the path, the walls slowly started to grey back into their normal white color. They emerged into a fourth computer, which was surprising as it went against the data they had received prior to the mission. Kurohi would have believed it to maybe have been a visitor's laptop, but the sight before them disproved that immediately. A large silver-black sphere with many puzzle-like chunks missing from floated at the back of the computer; The bobbing sheet and Ricker's sound only screen standing before it.

As the four of them made their approach, Kurohi became more and more sure that this was what they were looking for. He had studied the visualization of his original copy of the program very thoroughly. Thoroughly enough that he could tell that this one has been modified, thou without looking directly at its code, he would have no idea as to how.

“This is it. Good job, Ricker, Rollermon.”

As they came closer to their two companions, Rollermon turned around to meet them. When he was close enough to Linkmon, a long silver spike shot out through his costume, aiming straight at Linkmon's chest. Linkmon was fast enough to catch it between his claws, and the two remained motionless, the others frozen in surprise.

The black cloth covering the fake Rollermon began to scatter into data. “We believe there is an appropriate exclamation for this scenario.” Legionmon stared coldly back at its master's unwelcome guests. “Boo.”

Linkmon gripped its spike tightly and hurled it over his shoulder, but the unfazed spider was able to quickly right itself.

“Would you kindly explain what you are doing in our master's domain? Linkmon.” His eyes turned toward Kurohi's screen. “Furijin.” At the mention of his name, his and Pop's screens changed back to display their webcams. Try as they might, they couldn't get them to change back. “Our master is not one for masquerade parties. Even ones held without his knowledge.”

Linkmon fired a blast at Legionmon, who split in half down the middle to avoid it. “Where are our friends.”

“How rude. We believe you still haven't answered our own query.” Despite his words, he pointed in the direction they had entered from. “If you must know, we restrained them over there.” Above the entrance were Rollermon and Ricker, both of whom were stuck to the wall with what looked like silver spider-webbing. Rollermon seemed to be gagged, while Ricker was apparently muted.

“Well, now that that's settled-” Linkmon charged at his metallic foe. Claw and metal leg clanged together; fire and quicksilver shot sparks into the air. Their movements became so fast that their bodies appeared blurred.

Kurohi looked on. “Pop, Sopranomon, get the others down.”

“Got it.”
“Yes, sir.”

He turned to face the sound only screen still floating in front of the spherical program. “You're Sigmund Black, correct?”

The screen did not respond.

“Why are you doing this? What use do you have for that program?”

Still, silence.


“It's White, actually.” The voice was not what Kurohi had been expecting. It was the voice of a child, but spoke with an authority he was not used to. The screen in front of him was replaced with the image of a child as well. A young boy with white-blonde hair and blue eyes that reflected the surprisingly joyful smile he wore. “Charles James Wallace George White XIX, to be exact.”

“...” Kurohi was thinking. Thinking very hard. “I'm really bad with left fielders.”

“Oh?” The boy let out a little laugh. “I've only introduced myself, and you're already at a loss for words? I honestly expected the creator of a Digimon that could match my Legionmon to be more...intelligent.”

Kurohi was not amused; his annoyance etching itself into his face. He ignored the cacophony of concussive explosions behind him, and kept his attention on the boy in front of him.

“Ah, now you look more like the opponent I was expecting.”

“I have some questions for you, White, and I'm not planning on taking 'no' for an answer.”

White let out another laugh. “Now, now. We're both civilized gentlemen. I assume, anyway. I'm sure we can discuss this like...Adults.” He lifted his white DP so that it was revealed to Kurohi on screen. “Don't you agree, Legionmon?” He slid his finger across the touch screen.

Program Activated – Evolution

Legionmon was surrounded by a blaze of emerald light. “Legionmon Mega evolve to-” Its body grew larger. Its legs became more curved, the inner portions of which becoming serrated. From its abdomen grew a thick scorpion tail, tipped with what looked like the type of laser a James Bond villain would use. “Legionmon Giga!

Kurohi stared at the newly evolved Legionmon for a second, then turned back to White. “Clever.” Kurohi picked his DP off his desk. “Fine, let's talk.”

Program Activated – Evolution

Linkmon evolve to Jackmon!

The jet black dino-dragon and the silver spider-scorpion stared each other down like two kaiju about to rampage through a city.

“First question: why the Archadimon name scheme?”

Legionmon fired a barrage of beams from his tail, which Jackmon narrowly avoided, even with his enhanced speed.

“Because no matter how big it gets, a legion is still a legion.”

Jackmon sped forward, taking a light blow to the shoulder from Legionmon's tail before bringing his claw down on his head. Unfortunately, it merely reformed after Jackmon moved away from the metallic Digimon.

“Second question: what are you going to do with that?” He pointed to the sphere behind White's head.

Legionmon's tail formed into a whip-like blade, which caught Jackmon in his already injured shoulder, but before it could come around for a second strike, the tail was dispersed into its quicksilvery form by a streaking green cannonball. As Chargermon righted himself after impacting the ground at his high speed, Legionmon's tail reformed back into a laser.

“As if someone of your particular caliber would understand the complexities of this program.”

Just a Legionmon was about to mount another attack, it was pelted by note-shaped energy blasts, courtesy of Mezzomon who was off to the distance to its right. In order to deal with the multiple threats, Legionmon's body liquified again, and split into three smaller, but just as menacing versions of itself.

“I have a copy of that program as well, and I can tell just from looking at it that you and I had very different ideas about how to modify it.”

Each Legionmon engaged a separate Digimon in combat. While Jackmon at full strength could have dealt with this smaller one, in his weakened state he was having more difficult in close combat. He tried to back away and fire vollies at it from a distance, but the smaller target make it difficult for any of them to make contact.

“Do you now? Well, it seems I have underestimated your abilities, then. Then I will tell you, but I'm fairly certain now that you at least have an idea of what I want to use it for.”

Mezzomon managed to slow the copy of Legionmon down with his Time Tempo, but even when slowed, it was still able to reform no matter what the small Digimon through at it.

Perfection, good sir. I wish to make my Legionmon Perfect.”

Chargermon tried ramming the arachnid, but it turned itself into a sheet of liquid-like metal that encased him and sent him flying wildly into the walls, narrowly avoiding hitting Jackmon in all the confusion.

“It's impossible.”

“Maybe for you it is, but, you see, I am a genius. I have reconfigured this program, this program that was designed to transmit Perfect and Ultimate data to Legal Digimon to target only Legionmon. And since it's designed to target only my one Digimon, it will not interfere with Digicorps. already existing version. I'm not trying to ruin the game for anyone else; I'm merely trying to enjoy the game like everyone else. And you're trying to ruin my fun.”

“Doesn't negate the fact that you stole it.”

White started laughing again. “Tell you what I'll do. As an apology, I'll let you see it. The first Illegal Digimon to evolve to Perfect. Legionmon!” The three spiders stopped pummeling the other Digimon. “Why don't we put on a show for our guests.”

“Yes master.” The three Legionmons gathered together and reformed at their master's side.

“Now, let me show you...” He held his DP out so Kurohi could see the Perfect Evolution Program on it. “Our Perfect Evolution.” He smiled broadly and swiped his finger.

The sphere behind him began to spin and expel green light. Particles flew from it in every which direction, all of which curved and converged on Legionmon. The spider radiated with an aura even greater than that of its previous evolution. The data compressed itself around it until he was nothing but an emerald silhouette. Then, all the data dispersed in a single instant.

Program Error

Nothing happened. White remained motionless on his screen for a few seconds. White looked down at his DP. “I don't understand. My calculations were correct. The program should work. Why isn't it working?” He tried again. The sphere shot off more data as it spun, but the results were ultimately the same.

Program Error

“No! This shouldn't be happening! I did everything flawlessly! It should work!”

“Dude, I'm sure your program's working fine.” Kurohi attempted to console the raging youth. “You just missed something.”

White looked up from his tirade suspiciously. “What? What did I miss?”

Kurohi pointed to Legionmon. “Him. Or it, I'm not really sure what it is.” Kurohi adopted a scholarly tone before continuing. “You see, unlike you, I actually got my copy of the program from the team that created it. I was also able to talk to them about how the program works, and why it doesn't work on Illegal Digimon.”

White's suspicion was replaced with curiosity. “And why is that?”

“ does work.”

White looked confused. He wasn't the only one either. Both Pop and Ricker who were looking over and healing their Digimon in the pause after the battle looked at him with puzzlement.

“If it does work, then why can't we evolve farther?”

“Well, it's not the programs fault.” Jackmon buzzed over next to Kurohi, mirroring Legionmon's position to White. “It's the Digimons'. If you were paying attention to your Digimon while you were trying to evolve him, you might be able to guess what the problem is.”

This time, it was Pop who responded to Kurohi's purposefully vague musings. “It couldn'd absorb the data.”

Kurohi nodded to her. “Illegals have difficulty absorbing data from outside sources. Legal Digimon are designed from their very cores to be able to absorb additional data in order to evolve. If you alter that data even a little, it'll lose that ability to absorb it. The reason programs work is because the Digimon isn't directly absorbing the data in most cases, and normally take the form of weapons or auras.” He turned his attention back to White. “Which is why your plan failed.”

White let out a sigh. “So it's impossible. It'd be an understatement to say I wasn't a little disappointed. Legionmon.” Legionmon readied himself for battle again. “Since you're here, I guess I'll just have to take this frustration out on you, then.”

Kurohi started laughing.

“You think my failure is funny? Let me remind you that my Legionmon was able to take on all three of your Digimon with no trouble at all. Do you really think it's a good idea to antagonize me?”

Kurohi attempted to stifle his laughter. “No, it's not that. It's just for a self-proclaimed genius, you're not a very good listener.” Kurohi's laughter was replaced by a wide grin. “Yes, it is impossible for a Digimon to evolve to Perfect, I'm not denying that. But then again, we're Illegals!” His voice was booming with gravitas now. “We're imperfect by nature! And that's what makes us...” Kurohi raised his DP once more. “Superior!” He finger glided across the screen, and his voice settled down to a whisper. “Now let me show you my answer.”

Override Accepted – Superior Evolution

An ominous red light shone through Jackmon's skin, as if his very soul was trying to break free of his body. His entire body collapsed in on itself, until it was a baseball sized orb of red and black light. The space around it began to warp and distort in on itself. The Digimon could feel themselves being drawn into the space.

An enormous arm covered in twisted black metal burst forth from the black hole, grabbing back down on the ball in order to hoist its owner out. “Jackmon! Superior Evolution!” Another arm wrenched itself free, prying the head and torso of the dragon Digimon out. There was a large green and blue sphere clutched in its wings, which it pulled out of the black hole with such force that it broke the hole, sending a concussive wave out that caused even the powerful Legionmon to shudder.

Before them stood an enormous Digimon, who carried the world on his back.

Sorry it was a few days late, everyone. My editor's done with his finals, as am I, and hopefully there shouldn't be any delay next time.
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Quietpower's avatar
Can't wait for Legionmon to get slapped around.